Coworking is a novel concept that has grown in the last few years. For those who are still new to this idea of working, here’s what it means – Coworking essentially is people sharing one physical space to do their different work or to work collaboratively on a single project, instead of having a dedicated office where everyone belonging to the same company works, which is the typical norm, where everyone is working independently but only in the same space.
This area known as a Coworking Space is provided by certain space providers on rent to others who may require it. The people who ordinarily opt for coworking are either freelancers or people without a stationary office, telecommuters, and others who may be running a virtual business or job. This new culture of coworking has seen a tremendous increase in their demands and small developing cities are also undergoing the same experience. Professional coworking space in Jaipur and other small cities aren’t taboo anymore.
A Coworking space is an office-like environment with supplies and facilities such as
- Wi-Fi connection
- Printers and photocopy machines
- Desks and chairs
- Bathrooms and lounge areas
The work culture is changing at a fast rate. To cope up with it, everyone is coming up with different and creative ideas of how they can work to be more productive. Because of this, there has been a rising demand for coworking. Let us take a look at why this is so.
The Growing Demand For Coworking Spaces
Not everyone can afford to have a place of their own dedicated to work. Beginners always struggle in this aspect with financial issues. Real estate prices are soaring high and the rents can be out of budget too. In such situations, coworking is a good idea as it saves money. Since one place is shared between many individuals, the rent is significantly lower than stand-alone offices or cubicles.
A boon for people who have to work from home
With the work culture-changing, work from home is a very common feature that we observe these days. But homes aren’t exactly the perfect place to get your professional work done. There are disturbances from family and the domestic atmosphere may not aid a productive working environment. After years of having worked in an office, people cannot adjust to working from their comfort zones sometimes. For such people coworking is a great idea as it gives them a different space to put on their professional cape.
It is space-saving
Our population rises by the minute even as you are reading this article. It is getting tougher to provide space for everyone. Coworking spaces accommodate many people from different streams in one physical space, thus saving several individual offices.
Fun to work with others
It can get boring to bury your head in work the whole day. Everyone needs a break. With coworking, you already are among different people who are not necessarily in the same line of work, as you’re. It gives a wonderful opportunity to connect with other professionals and discuss common aspirations.
More productivity
Frequent users of coworking spaces have agreed time and again that they are a lot more productive while coworking. The office atmosphere can be dull, with a boss lurking around now and then. The pressure does more damage than good to the work quality and mental health of the employees. Coworking allows them to be free of this pressure and give their best.
Sometimes, employees cannot afford a space of their own to work in. Other times there is a larger number of people working on a single project for their companies and to collaborate they need a bigger space to work in together. For a wide number of reasons, coworking spaces offer a breath of relief for the working class. If you are on the hunt for affordable and professional co-working spaces in Jaipur then Qbicle could be your new professional acquaintance.